The Rise of Precast Concrete Construction

The Rise of Precast Concrete Construction

Precast concrete construction has many advantages over cast-in-situ concrete structures as well as steel, wood, & masonry structures. It provides a faster and more efficient construction process. This system has its own characteristics which influence the layout, span length, construction depth, stability system, etc. to a greater or less extent.

Precast concrete is a form of construction, where concrete is cast in a reusable mold or “form” which is then cured in a controlled environment, transported to the construction site and lifted into place. By producing precast concrete in a controlled environment (precast plant), the precast concrete is providing the opportunity to properly cure and be closely monitored by plant employees. There are many different types of precast concrete forming systems for architectural applications, differing in size, function, and cost. The advantages of using precast concrete are the increased quality of the material when formed in controlled conditions, and the reduced cost of constructing large forms used with concrete poured on site. It is used mainly in the construction of buildings with repetitive design and elements, such as schools and apartments.

Every construction material & system has its own characteristics which influence the layout, span length, construction depth, stability system, etc. This is also the case for precast concrete. Not only in comparison to steel, wood, & masonry structures, but also with respect to casting in-situ concrete. Precast concrete members may be solid or may contain hollow cores. Many precast components have thinner cross sections than cast in situ concrete. Precast concrete may be either normal or lightweight concrete. Theoretically, all joints between the precast units could be made in such a way that the completed precast structure has the same concept as an in-situ one. However, this is a wrong approach & one, which is very labor intensive & costly.

Functions of Precast Concrete Construction

  • Keep water out
  • Prevent air leakage
  • Control light
  • Control radiation of heat
  • Control conduction of heat
  • Control sound
  • Resist wind forces
  • Control water vapor
  • Adjust to movement
  • Thermal & moisture expansion/contraction
  • Structural movements
  • Resist fire
  • Weather gracefully
  • Easy to install
The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer is doing until it's too late. The future belongs to a different kind of person with a different kind of mind: artists, inventors, storytellers-creative and holistic ‘right-brain’ thinkers whose abilities mark the fault line between who gets ahead and who doesn’t.

– Daniel Pink

Architectural precast concrete provides architects with an exciting medium when designing facades for a wide range of buildings, from healthcare facilities to shopping malls, commercial office buildings to sports stadiums.

Advantages of Precast Concrete Process

The precast concrete process provides the following advantages:

  • Structural efficiency
  • Flexibility in use
  • Optimum use of materials
  • Speed of construction
  • Quality consciousnes
  • Protection of the environment
  • Precast concrete construction is less expensive than real brick.
  • Does not require an extensive footing like a real masonry wall. Can be reset should it ever shift.
  • More durable than real masonry – no mortar joints to let water in.
  • Installs quickly and easily – most can be done in one day.
  • Maintenance free – No need to paint or periodically replace slats as you would with wood fences.

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