Why You Should Prefer Precast Concrete Construction?

Progress in construction technology has boosted the popularity of precast-concrete systems. These solutions are becoming an increasingly realistic and attractive option due to the potential cost and time savings compared to traditional in-situ construction. Precast concrete is an alternative to cast-in-situ concrete. While cast-in-situ concrete is cast in its actual location, precast concrete is cast at another location, either at the building site or in a factory, and is then lifted to its final resting place and fixed securely. This means that unlike cast-in-situ construction, which is monolithic or continuous, precast concrete buildings are made of separate pieces that are bolted or connected together.

Particularly with waterproof concrete basements built from precast units – where the structural material doubles up as the waterproof barrier – faulty workmanship is not immediately evident. As a result, any leaks may only come to light when the structural fabric is subjected to hydrostatic pressure.

Particular care is therefore required in the construction of external basement walls, and the waterproofing measures need to be tailored to local conditions, e.g. ground moisture, groundwater, seepage water and accumulating water.


Precasting is great for producing large numbers of identical components. Let's say we are building an affordable housing project with 3,000 identical apartments. We could then use precasting to produce wall slabs and floor slabs for all the apartments, and then lift them into place and connect them.

Since it is done in a purpose-built precasting yard or factory, it makes construction easier for the following reasons:

  • The construction is done on the ground rather than at a height
  • It can be done inside a climate-controlled structure, eliminating problems of rain, dust, cold, or heat
  • Specialized formwork (molds) can be built for doing many repetitions of the same component
  • Specialized equipment can be used to make, move, and pour the liquid concrete
  • Curing of the concrete can be done in a controlled environment
  • Since the components can be made beforehand, construction can be very quick. In cast-in-situ construction, engineers have to build each set of components after the previous set has finished, which does take time, as concrete generally takes 28 days to reach its full strength.
The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer is doing until it's too late. The future belongs to a different kind of person with a different kind of mind: artists, inventors, storytellers-creative and holistic ‘right-brain’ thinkers whose abilities mark the fault line between who gets ahead and who doesn’t.

– Daniel Pink

Architectural precast concrete provides architects with an exciting medium when designing facades for a wide range of buildings, from healthcare facilities to shopping malls, commercial office buildings to sports stadiums.


Precast concrete components can be connected in a number of ways:

  • They can be bolted together. In order to do this, steel connectors are embedded in the concrete at the time of casting. This must be done with great precision
  • They can be grouted or concreted together. Two members are placed in position, and reinforcement is threaded between the loops. Fresh concrete is then poured around this reinforcement, in a space left for this purpose.


Tameerkaro is a leading company of Pakistan, that provides an online marketplace where you can find different precast products & construction services from sellers. It has a vast experience in the field of providing a platform where buyers can choose from a wide range of products listed by various sellers.

We realize the remarkable features and attributes that Pre-Engineered buildings possess. Our construction management professionals provide a marketplace for the purchase and supply of essential precast construction material such as precast roofing, blocks, barriers and various blocks.